• S3 one zone infrequent access is for recreatable data. It has the same durability but reduced availability (99.95%)
  • Signed URL and signed cookies can be used to securely access S3.
  • S3 use read after write consistency. New objects can be read after write but update or delete will be eventual consistent.
  • S3 file size can be from 0 to 5TB, to upload files larger than 100MB use multipart upload.
  • S3 can support 3500 put per second, 100 bucket per account.
  • Bucket names are global.
  • S3 files can be 0 byte.
  • S3 versions can be deleted. To delete a version controlled file you will need to delete all versions of the file.
  • You can enable MFA for file deletion.
  • Versioning can’t be disabled after enabled.
  • Files in an existing bucket are not replicated automatically, all subsequently updated files will.
  • Delete markers are not replicated. Deleting individual versions will not be replicated.
  • S3 is object based.
  • SSE S3, KMS, SSL/TLS, Client encryption.
  • S3 has ACLs to manage access to a bucket.
  • The minimal billable size is 128kb