Yang Zhang



Jan 2018 - Present
RateSetter Australia - Senior Software Engineer

RateSetter provides an online marketplace where investors are directly matched with creditworthy borrowers.RateSetter is one of the largest peer-to-peer lenders globally, and was the first to introduce a provision fund to help make peer-to-peer lending simpler and safer.RateSetter launched to the Australian public in 2014 as the first peer-to-peer lender in Australia licensed by ASIC to accept retail investors as lenders.

Oct 2016 - Jan 2018
CSIRO - Senior Software Engineer

Developed an Intelligent Transportation Platform utilizing Machine Learning and Big Data Analytics Techniques.

My responsibility involves Software Development, Geographical Data Visualization and Data Analytics, implementation of DevOps practices, etc.

  • Build the frontend with Angular
  • Build the RESTful backend with Spring boot
  • Rendering Map Tiles and serving GeoJson using GeoServer
  • Implemented single directional datastore in frontend program using ngrx/store
  • Implemented data visualization using D3 and HighCharts
  • Dockerized everything for deployment
  • Use Webdriver.io for End-To-End Tests
Nov 2015 - Sep 2016
Macquarie Group - Full Stack Software Engineer

Worked in the technology team to support Macquarie Capital business.

  • Develop internal web applications using ASP.Net Web API & AngularJs.
  • Develop Business Intelligence Applications using SSAS Tabular, Power BI & Excel.
  • Develop Microsoft Office Ribbon AddIns
Feb 2013 - Nov 2015
Ainsworth Game Technology - Software Engineer

I worked at AGT as a software engineer in Jackpot Link Controller Team. My responsibilities were:

  • Develop Jackpot Link Controller Embedded Windows Application by using C# and WPF.
  • Develop Jackpot Link Controller Remote Administration Web Interface.
  • Code maintenance: unit testing, refactoring, bug fixes, performance optimization;
  • Develop simulation tools used for Link Controller functionality tests and performance tests.
  • Develop online games using Javascript and HTML/CSS.


2011-2013 (expected)
Master of Information Technology; University of New South Wales, AU

Average Mark 88.3 1st Place Award 2013; 2nd Place Award 2012;

Bachelor of Engineering; Harbin Institute of Technology, CHN

Technical Experience

ASP.NET MVC, Web API, Spring/Spring Boot, Entity Framework, Unity, SQL, Dapper, Redis, Kaffka, Docker, AngularJs/Angular, React, Typescript, Orleans, Akka.Net

Stack Overflow


npm package: adait-select2

npm package: nodebb-plugin-chinese-slugify

My Reading List

Distributed systems for fun and profit Designing Data-Intensive Applications Distributed Systems: Principles and Paradigms Scalable Web Architecture and Distributed Systems